Autosuggestion Bangla Podcast

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Saturday Sep 12, 2020

Auto Suggestions

Monday Feb 04, 2019

If you've been running your author business for a while, you can start to feel like you're in a rut, or that you've hit a plateau in terms of sales. So how do you move into a new phase? I discuss this and more with Tara McMullin today. In the intro, I mention PublishDrive's announcement […]

Monday Jan 28, 2019

Building your author email list is one of the fundamentals of book marketing, but how can you grow it more effectively to sell more books? Tammi Labrecque explains in today's interview. In the introduction, Wattpad launches Wattpad Books [Publishing Perspectives], and you can listen to an interview with Ashleigh Gardner on Wattpad here. I've been […]

Monday Jan 21, 2019

What if you could scale your revenue without growing your expenses? What if you could make a living with your writing but still remain alone in your writing room? I discuss these questions and more today with Paul Jarvis. In the intro, I talk about second-hand book sales [Dean Wesley Smith], how the death of […]

Monday Jan 14, 2019

What if the future is voice first? What if people ask AI assistants like Alexa or Google Assistant to find them a book to read? What if the primary consumption of books is in audio format, not print or ebook? I talk about these questions and more with Bradley Metrock. In the intro, Draft2Digital announce […]

Monday Jan 07, 2019

The opportunities for creatives continue to explode but in a world of so much fast-paced change, it can be overwhelming to navigate possibility. In today's show, I discuss what it takes to be a successful 21st-century creative with Mark McGuinness. In the intro, I discuss Mark Coker's 2019 predictions [Smashwords blog], as well as Kris […]

Tuesday Jan 01, 2019

Happy New Year! I love January. I am filled with energy at the possibilities ahead and look forward to creating, learning and sharing along the way as we head into 2019! In this article and podcast episode, I’ll look at some of the trends that I think will be important for authors in 2019 and […]

Monday Dec 31, 2018

Another year turns! 2018 has been a big one for me as I reached 10 years of The Creative Penn. Considering many new companies don't make it past 5 years, and many writers don't make it to full-time, I am pretty happy with overall progress – but as ever, there is always room for improvement. […]

Sunday Dec 23, 2018

You can sustain a writing and publishing career for decades if you retain your love for the craft – and the business – as well as developing the right mindset and creative practices. In today's show, I talk to Mark Leslie Lefebvre about his career in bookselling, writing horror and non-fiction, as well as helping […]

Monday Dec 17, 2018

There are often stories about indie authors making big money in Kindle Unlimited, but there are plenty of authors making multi-six figure incomes by publishing wide. In this interview, I discuss publishing to multiple platforms as well as author mindset and book marketing tips with Adam Croft. In the intro, I mention the exciting news […]

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